“I know the voice of depression still calls to you.
I know those habits that can ruin your life
still send their invitations.
But you are with the Friend now,
and look so much stronger.”

— Hafiz

Over the years, the woods, natural spaces, and persistent street plants of my city have become the most constant place and teacher in my life.

Jobs, houses, relationships all shift, but I return again and again to the rhythms of nature, and it comforts, grounds, and teaches me. Every winter, the plants die. Each spring, seemingly miraculously and beyond all hope, life pushes its way up, out of the buried seeds and roots, and starts anew. This calendar is meant to be a way to remind you, simply, to slow down and look -- at the wisened trees, at the little sprouts growing up in the sidewalk, at the wispy seeds riding the air.

It's a way for me to begin to share what I've learned  -- the plants can teach you your own lessons if you care to go out looking for them.